Academic support
Graduate Mentor Scheme
Graduate mentors - usually current Merton postgraduate students, though in some subjects postgraduate students from other colleges - are available to provide supplementary, subject-specific academic support to Merton undergraduates. This can include:
- Advice on essay planning
- Feedback on writing style
- Review of collection scripts
- Advice on presenting solutions to problems
- Guidance on appropriate formatting for extended essays and other submitted work
- Advice on writing up science projects
- Coaching in a foundational subject such as Mathematics
Exams Forums
The JCR's Academic Affairs Representative runs an Exams Forum in the second half of Hilary term, and again in Trinity term, for students taking the First Public Examination. All undergraduate finalists are expected to attend a Finals Forum in Hilary Term for advice on exam preparation, staying well, and practical arrangements.
Academic Skills Development
Undergraduates generally find that the ways of working which served them well at school/college need to evolve to meet the demands of their university course. This process begins in Freshers' Week, if not before, but it is important for you to continue to reflect on how, and not just what, you’re learning. There are many sources of advice and a wide range of resources within the College and departments/faculties to help you with the transition to university-level study. Specialist support is also available, e.g. through the University’s Disability Advisory Service. The tutorial system allows for an individually-tailored and supported approach. Tutors are therefore a key source of advice and guidance at all stages of your degree. Merton freshers attend a preliminary session on academic skills development in Freshers’ Week, with a follow-up session part-way through their first term. The Senior Tutor and the JCR Academic Affairs Representative are both involved in these sessions and available to help with queries or individual support, as appropriate.
Music facilities
All Music students are provided with a Yamaha Clavinova in their room, and benefit from the use of the TS Eliot Theatre and the Chapel for concerts and performances. Completed in 2016, Merton also has five acoustically-designed music practice rooms, available for use by all College members.