Graduate students in Front Quad at Merton College - © Helen Messenger -

Graduate Study: Graduate Scholarships for 2025-26 entry

  • Merton already has a higher than average number of scholarships available to enable graduate students to study at Oxford and increasing the funds available from our own resources and the generous gifts of donors is a priority for the College. Our interim goal is to offer one per subject area per year.
  • These scholarships are only available for applicants to programmes of study for which the College normally considers.
  • Our scholarships are generally made in partnership with the University and NONE of them requires a separate college-specific application.
  • The applications of all eligible candidates will automatically be considered on the basis of the University application form for graduate study, regardless of whether or not you state Merton College as your preferred college on your graduate application form, which should be submitted by the January deadline (unless otherwise stated).
  • If you are offered a scholarship at Merton College you will also be offered a place at Merton College in order to take up the award; this will take the place of any earlier college offer you may have received.
  • The schedule of scholarships offered changes each year. Details of 2026 Scholarships will be published in August/September 2025.
  • The University website has a Fees, Funding and Scholarships search tool designed to assist graduates looking for funding sources.
  • The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding is an external resource from GradFunding which provides a database of alternative funding opportunities (for example, from charities and trusts) and advice about how to apply for them. The University has subscribed to the guide: Current Oxford students can use their University email address to access the guide.
Ten Merton College scholarships in partnership with the Clarendon Fund
  • Offered – One each for Archaeology, Politics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biochemistry, Computer Science; and four further awards in Humanities.
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for subjects for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate.
  • DurationPeriod of fee liability.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline.
One Merton College Chemistry scholarship in partnership with the Clarendon Fund
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for Chemistry courses for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate.
  • Duration – period of fee liability.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline.
One Merton College Manby Graduate scholarship in Classics in partnership with the Faculty of Classics
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in Classics for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate.
  • Duration – Period of fee liability.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline.
One Merton College Carne Family Graduate scholarship in History in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in History for which the College normally considers
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration period of fee liability 
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Merton College John Roberts scholarship in History
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in History for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate.
  • Duration – Period of fee liability.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline.
One Merton College Aidan Jenkins scholarship in Humanities in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in Humanities for which the College normally considers
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration – period of fee liability 
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Merton College Clayton scholarship in Humanities in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in Humanities for which the College normally considers
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration – period of fee liability 
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Merton College David Ure scholarship in Humanities in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in Humanities for which the College normally considers
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration – period of fee liability 
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Merton College Dr Angelita Trinidad Reyes scholarship in Humanities in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for any course in Humanities for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration – period of fee liability
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Barnett Bequest award for any Law course which the College normally considers in partnership with the Faculty of Law
  • Offered - annually.
  • Eligibility – UK applicants.
  • Value – £5,000 from Merton College and £5,000 from the Faculty of Law.
  • Duration – one year.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline. Eligible candidates will be identified to the College by the department and the College will make its decision in late May based on the University application form.
One Barton Scholarship for the BCL in partnership with the Faculty of Law
  • Offered - annually.
  • Eligibility – British.
  • Value – £5,000 from Merton College and £5,000 from the Faculty of Law.
  • Duration – one year.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline. Eligible candidates will be identified to the College by the department and the College will make its decision in late May based on the University application form.
Two Merton Lawyers' BCL Scholarships in partnership with the Faculty of Law
  • Offered - annually.
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for the BCL or MJur.
  • Value – £5,000 from Merton College and £5,000 from the Faculty of Law.
  • Duration – one year.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline. Eligible candidates will be identified to the College by the department and the College will make its decision in late May based on the University application form.
One Merton College Moussouris Mathematics scholarship in partnership with the Clarendon Fund
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for Mathematics courses for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate.
  • Duration – Period of fee liability .
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline.
One Merton College Modern (European) Languages scholarship in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for any course in Modern (European) Languages for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration – period of fee liability
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Merton College Buckee Physics scholarship in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for courses in Physics for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate
  • Duration – period of fee liability
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline
One Merton College Sir Howard Stringer scholarship in partnership with the University
  • Eligibility – Home/Overseas applicants for any course in any division for which the College normally considers.
  • Value - Course fee and a grant for living expenses at the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate.
  • Duration – period of fee liability.
  • Application – Via University application form for graduate study by the January application deadline.