The Bodley Club

The Bodley Club was founded in 1894 as a literary discussion group, but has over the years developed into the College's speaker society. The only criterion for selecting speakers is that they should be "fabulously interesting", and the Club hosts prominent individuals from all fields, including authors, scientists, and other public figures. All suggestions are welcome via our Facebook page. Events are usually open to any member of the University, but some are restricted to Mertonians only.

Having suffered during the pandemic, which made inviting ‘fabulously interesting’ speakers into college rather difficult, the Bodley Club is looking forward to a busy year - the groundwork having been excellently laid by last year’s president, Alex Smith (2020). We are delighted to be hosting two speakers in Hilary Term, with both Sir Brian Leveson and Dr James Kempton coming to talk about their lives and fascinating careers. Trinity Term promises more speaker events and we are planning to reinstate the Bodley Club dinner, hopefully with the presence of some former presidents. As ever, we are indebted to our Senior Member, Fra’ John Eidinow (1986, Fellow), whose wisdom and experience have been crucial to everything. 

Nat Otley and Bea Bannister (2022)
Bodley Club Co-Presidents 2023-24

A Bodley Club event in 2017 - Photo: © Bertie Beor-Roberts (2014) -

Unfortunately this has been a very quiet year for the Bodley Club, as the ongoing pandemic has made it rather difficult to fulfil the Club’s mandate to invite speakers from without or within the College who are deemed to be ‘fabulously interesting’ and from wide-ranging disciplines. Although it is a shame to have had to delay or cancel events throughout the year, including our Annual Dinner and Garden Party, we very much look forward to resuming our series of speakers as things begin to open up. Watch this space for Michaelmas 2021!

I am delighted to be handing the presidency of the club to Guy Smith (2018), whom I’m sure will take the lead in reinvigorating our programme of speakers once we can return to in-person events. I would like to thank Alex Beukers (2018) and Victor Ajuwon (2015, Secretary) for their continuing efforts in running the Club, as well as to our Senior Member, Fra’ John Eidinow (1986, Fellow), whose advice is always invaluable.

Wick Willett (2017)
Bodley Club President 2019-21