Alumni: Keeping in touch
We hope to stay in touch with our Old Members, Friends and Students around the world. Please do keep us up to date with your latest news and details by visiting our NetCommunity or just send us an email with your changes.
We do not give out contact details due to Data Protection legislation, but the Development Office will try to forward single pieces of post or emails to individual Mertonians.
As many alumni will know, Merton, in common with several other colleges, has transferred to a new database system, known as DARS. (Development & Alumni Relations System). This system holds the details of alumni, students, staff and friends previously held in separate alumni and development databases of the University and the participating colleges. More colleges are joining and the result will be a single, comprehensive database allowing, on a regulated basis, colleges, faculties, departments, administrative units, international offices, recognised alumni societies, and sports and other entities associated with the University access to all the data held in it. We hope that this will lead to the details of our alumni, students, staff and friends being kept more up to date and that it will help improve our communications with you.
Your data is held securely. For full details on the way in which your data will be held and used, please see the DARS Data Protection Statement. If at any time you have any queries about the use of your personal data in DARS or wish to change the fact, or extent of use of your personal data, please send us an email.
Each year, our team of Year Representatives contact as many Mertonians as possible from their matriculation year by letter and email to collect news of Old Members for publication in Postmaster and The Merton Record. The Development Office helps with the administration and preparation of correspondence.
The help given by the Year Reps is invaluable and we are incredibly grateful for their efforts. However, we still have some years with no Year Representative and we would like to fill the gaps. If you are interested in becoming involved or would like to find out more, please email publications@merton.ox.ac.uk.