Alumni: The Development Office

The Alumni and Development Office exists to help Merton maintain and develop good relations with Mertonians – helping you to stay in touch with College and with each other via the events we organise and the publications we produce. We also fundraise for the College, encouraging Alumni to support Merton so that we can continue to be at the forefront of education for centuries to come. Our office hours are 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-17:00, Monday to Friday.

The Development Team


portrait of a man in smart casual attire

Mark Coote
Director of Development
01865 276 307
Mark heads the Development Department and is in charge of Merton’s development and fundraising strategy, as well as being responsible for Major Gifts.

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Chelsea Chisholm
Alumni Relations Manager
01865 286 525
Chelsea's main responsibility is to strengthen alumni engagement. Besides heading our extensive alumni events programme, she runs Merton College Mentoring and works to support and enhance Merton alumni societies, networks and groups.

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Mark Randolph
Data Insights and Operations Manager
01865 286 298
Mark maintains our database and records of Old Members, and oversees the College’s use of DARS (the Collegiate Development and Alumni Relations System of the University of Oxford).

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Julia Bell
Alumni Communications Officer
01865 616 737
Julia is responsible for alumni content on the College website and Alumni Publications, which include Postmaster and the annual Donor Report. She coordinates the termly event emails and the Termly Newsletter and looks after the Year Representatives.

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Chiara Centore
Fundraising Officer
01865 286 312
Chiara inspires regular donations towards a variety of causes at the College through Telethon campaigns, brochures, e-mail appeals and more.

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Grace Taylor-West
Alumni Events Executive
01865 276 316
Grace is the first port of call for all event enquiries. She assists the Alumni Relations Manager with the coordination and delivery of our programme of events, alumni special interest groups and networks, as well as the alumni mentoring programme. 


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Eleanor Maidstone
Graduate Associate in Development
01865 286 319
Eleanor provides administrative support and research for the Development Office, including for events, the Annual Fund and telethon campaigns and appeals.


Merton College
Telephone: 01865 276316
Fax: 01865 286507