Welcome to the Expedition Timeline—an interactive journey chronicling Sandy Irvine’s path towards Everest. This timeline serves as a guiding tool through key milestones from his selection as a team member in 1923 to his disappearance in June 1924. The dates provide starting points to explore Sandy’s life, with a specific emphasis on his final months.
This timeline intertwines dates and locations of the expedition with Sandy’s personal items, such as his journal and letters, preserved in the Sandy Irvine Archive at Merton College. Through photographs, documents, and artefacts we present an online exhibition that retraces his footsteps.
Before embarking on this exploration, a few notes are in order. Firstly, this timeline centres on Sandy’s perspective and draws on primary sources and on Julie Summers’ biography, Fearless on Everest: The Quest for Sandy Irvine. While recognizing the importance of other expedition members’ stories, our focus remains on Sandy's singular experience. In quoting from Sandy’s writings, we have retained the wording and spelling of the original.
Secondly, it is essential to be aware that this timeline quotes archival material from the 1920s, and there may be instances of historic terminology that is outdated or offensive. This does not reflect the position of Merton College and of its Library, and we have added a specific section on bibliography and useful materials to encourage you to explore new, decolonial ways of approaching Everest history.
We will also be celebrating and remembering Sandy's life and this important anniversary at Merton College on April 27th, with the symposium 'Everest 1924: A Century in Review'. Find out more and book your place at the symposium.
The Timeline banner image is a detail of a photograph taken by Noel Odell on the Rongbuk Glacier in 1924. Courtesy of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). The banner image on each timeline page is a detail from a ‘Preliminary Map showing original surveys made by Mt Everest Detachment 1921’ with subsequent overlays and pencil annotations. (Sandy Irvine Archive, Merton College). Digital photography of items in the timeline from the Sandy Irvine Archive at Merton was undertaken by Colin Dunn (Scriptura Ltd).