Fearless on Everest
The Quest for Sandy Irvine
Book by Julie Summers, Shortlisted for the 2001 Grand Prize at the Banff Mountain Book Festival
Email julie@juliesummers.co.uk to purchase your copy.
Sandy Irvine took this photograph of Mount Everest from Pang La on 28th April 1924 and sent it back to his sister explaining it was his first view of the mountain.
© The Warden and Fellows of Merton College Oxford
“Rich in detail, anecdote, and sympathetically imaginative reconstruction … drawing not only on the author’s wide and serious research, but also in her life-time knowledge of her family, for which there can be no substitute.”
Jonathan Dore, Times Literary Supplement
“… so lucid, sensible and quietly evocative I can scarcely bear to put it down.”
Jim Perrin
“Julie Summers delivers a well researched and highly readable book. Although she obviously can’t supply the answer to the ultimate mystery, she does deliver insights into the character of Sandy Irvine and other expedition members that you won’t find anywhere else. Fearless on Everest presents a new level of detail about the ‘24 expedition’ and its participants that is captivating. If you are an Everest aficionado it is a must-have, and even if you’re not it makes a great read.”
Rock and Ice
“Child monarchs get into the history books; successful Olympic competitors hit the headlines but are quickly forgotten. Sandy must be the youngest person ever to achieve by his own efforts a truly enduring fame. In the long history of human endeavour there are hardly any enigmas more intriguing than what Sandy and Mallory did when they vanished upwards so close to the loftiest spot on earth. Perhaps we shall one day have proof that they did stand on the summit 29 years before anybody else.”
Peter Lunn, 19th November 2000
As a young boy, Peter Lunn skied with Sandy Irvine in Switzerland in 1923