Prize Scholar: Matt Goh
The exponential growth in computing power over the last five decades has facilitated possibly the greatest leap in human capability in history. However, many crucial computational problems such as ab initio simulation of chemical reactions (which would enormously streamline drug development) cannot be performed at scale on ordinary computers. Quantum computers, which exploit properties of quantum physics such as superposition and entanglement, could enable a fundamentally different paradigm of computing that is exponentially more powerful for specific high-utility problems.
We have entered the era of “noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing”, where fault-tolerant quantum computing is yet to be achieved, but primitive quantum devices of small scale and limited accuracy are widely accessible to researchers. There is great potential in this state of affairs: in my research, I seek to find algorithms and protocols that can exploit the potential of today’s flawed quantum computers, rather than wait for the perfect quantum devices of the far future. More specifically, I’ve explored quantum machine learning, the boundaries between quantum and classical simulability, noise-resilient algorithms for calculating thermal properties and excitation energies, and the practicalities of noisy quantum sensing.
Merton has been a wonderful college and support network throughout my DPhil, providing me with a vibrant community, financial support and rewarding teaching opportunities. I’m extremely proud to play a tiny part in Merton’s continuing history!