Teachers, Colleges and Schools
We are committed to supporting all students in making informed decisions about studying at Merton, and within the University of Oxford. Our aim is to dispel myths and stereotypes about the College and University, in order to draw the best applicants regardless of background.
Merton College is particularly keen to work with state schools and colleges to promote aspiration-raising, fair and informed choices about universities including Oxford. As part of the University's regionalisation scheme for outreach, we work closely with all schools and colleges in Bath and North East Somerset, Bournemouth, Bristol, Poole, Swindon, Dorset, Wiltshire and the London Borough of Merton, although we also work with schools across the UK.
If you're based in a Local Authority area other than those above, you may want to find your link college from the Regional Outreach page on the University website, and check what is happening in your area on this University-wide listing of events for teachers.
We welcome group visits from UK schools, colleges and other youth organisations.
Our programme can be adapted to your needs but usually includes an introduction to Oxford, a tour of College and a visit to another part of the University such as the museums, departments and other colleges. During University term time we can often offer lunch in Hall and the chance to hear from our student ambassadors. We can usually only host full-day visits from state schools, and priority is given to those in our linked regions. For other schools, we can normally arrange a tour, and sometimes help with facilitated sessions.
To book a visit to Merton please use the School visit to Merton College request form.
Individual students may also be interested in visiting Merton, for an Open Day or a self-guided tour.
The Schools Liaison and Access Officer is very pleased to visit schools and colleges, to speak to groups from Years 7-13 about university in general and Oxford University in particular. We are particularly keen to work collaboratively with groups of schools in a local area.
We can offer:
- HE Fair presence (only at events open to students from more than one institution)
- Oxbridge application talk
- University finance talk
- Parents' and carers' talk
- Teachers' application briefings
- Teachers' workshops on stretching and challenging the most able
- Personal statement workshop
- Interview workshop
To book a visit from our Schools Liaison & Access Officer please use the SLAO external visit request form.
For more information on Merton's schools liaison work please email schools@merton.ox.ac.uk.
Answers to many questions about Oxford admissions can be found on the very comprehensive FAQ and 'ask a question' page of the University website.