Charlie Lamb - Photo: © John Cairns -

Sports: Cheerleading - Charlie Lamb

  • Year: Third
  • Subject: Biology
  • Sport: Cheerleading
  • Position: Main base

Details of your sporting career at Merton and Oxford
I was a crossover for both the competitive university nationals teams in my first year at Oxford, and was awarded coach in the second term of my first year for the university level 2 team. I have coached since then and led the team to varsity wins, despite even with COVID setbacks. I have continued to compete on the half-blue team, which also has won varsity every year I have been at Oxford. Both teams placed 5th nationally in the 2021-2022 season.

What got you started in your sport?
I started Cheerleading as an after-school sport after my sister joined, and I thought it looked fun and a good way to get fit so decided to give it a go. I ended up falling in love with the sport and have now competed for eight years.

How do you manage to stay competitive in your chosen sport while maintaining the level of academic work required?
I think extracurriculars are key for getting through an Oxford degree, as it’s important to give yourself time off to not drown in your work. I think a good phrase is 'work hard, play hard'. It’s important to be organised to fit in all the Cheerleading and my degree, and even a social life on top of that too, but it’s all definitely manageable.

What’s special about the sporting side of life at Merton?
Cheerleading usually happens on a university level, but even Mertonians who aren’t a part of the university team are interested to hear about Cheerleading and give it a go. I’ve had quite a few Mertonians come to taster sessions and end up leaving with lots of respect for cheerleaders, which is something we don’t often get in the sporting world.

What’s been your greatest moment on the field of play so far?
My greatest moment has to be when my level 2 team won varsity and came fifth in the country, after beginning the season with a lot of setbacks, including it being my first proper year of coaching (thanks COVID). The party on the bus home was incredible and the team gifted me with a scrapbook they had collectively made where they all had written in it a personal note.

…and the worst?
The worst moment was when we lost placing in the top three nationally and were unable to be awarded with Half Blues due to an ambiguous statement in the rules. But now the scoring company has made the rule clear and we will come back fighting next year, hoping to get the Half Blue award.