Sebastian Dows-Miller

Non-stipendiary Lecturer in French

Sebastian Dows-Miller is a doctoral student in Medieval and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford, where he previously completed his BA and MSt. His research interests centre around the manuscript transmission of short texts, with a particular interest in those written in Old French. His doctoral thesis focusses on a fourteenth-century manuscript collection (BnF fr. 24432), taking a mixed-method approach to questions both of transmission, and also the thematic interactions between texts contained in the same manuscript, which involves the use of data-driven and statistical approaches. He enjoys teaching at undergraduate level, holding lectureships at both Hertford and Merton colleges, and occasionally tweets at @dowsmillerseb.

Conference papers

‘“Blessed Are the Cheesemakers” : Urban Climates and Codicological Contexts in the Dits de Métiers’ (presented at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2021)
‘Will No One Rid Me of This Turbulent Priest?’: The Disposal of Ecclesiastical Corpses in the Old French Fabliaux’ (presented at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 2022)
‘Codex as Corpus : Using TEI to Unlock a 14th-Century Collection of Old French Short Texts’ (presented at the TEI Conference, Newcastle, 2022)


‘Peter Haidu, The Philomena of Chrétien the Jew. The Semiotics of Evil’, Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie, 138.4 (2022) (Book Review)
‘Rosalind Brown-Grant and Mario Damen, A Chivalric Life: The Book of the Deeds of Messire Jacques de Lalaing’, The Times Literary Supplement, 11 November 2022 (Book Review)
‘Leah Tether, Laura Chuhan Campbell, and Benjamin Pohl, The Bristol Merlin: Revealing the Secrets of a Medieval Fragment’, Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie, 139.2 (2023) (Book Review)