Professor Robert MacLaren
Robert MacLaren has been a college lecturer at Merton since 1992. He holds a professional qualification (Diploma) in higher education and has published a book on the topic. He provides weekly tutorials for the First BM Part 1 morphology and Part II Neurosciences papers, as well as genetic tutorials for clinical medics. He runs a research group in the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology which is focused on developing new molecular treatments for inherited causes of blindness. Here, Final Honours Schools projects in the laboratory or clinic are also offered to medical students in their third year.
Robert also supervises many DPhil students who are also graduates at Merton and holds termly journal club meetings at the college.
At various times, he has represented Merton College at squash, rugby, real tennis and rowing.
Learning and Teaching in Human Anatomy, (VDM Verlag, 2009)