40 Merton women: nomination form

The College is looking to mark the 40th anniversary of the admission of women undergraduates in 2020. We are aiming to profile 40 women associated with Merton to celebrate their contributions to academia, the wider College community and the world at large. The profiles will normally take the form of short interviews and will be shared on the College website, social media and other channels during the anniversary year.

You are warmly invited to nominate women associated with Merton that we might profile during the anniversary year. All current members of the College will have the opportunity to nominate individuals for the project and the shortlisting will be undertaken by the Merton 2020 Working Group chaired by the Acting Warden.

The Working Group is looking for as wide a range of nominees as possible. The main criterion is that the women who are nominated have – or had –  a significant association with Merton. Other than that, they may be current or former students, members of staff, Fellows or other academics. They may be continuing to work in their specialist field or now be working in a completely different area. They may be at the very beginning of their working life or have been recognised for significant professional or personal success. They may be based in the UK or overseas.

You can nominate more than one individual during the process.

The nomination process will close on Friday 10 May 2019 (Friday of 2nd Week of Trinity term).

We very much look forward to receiving your suggestions.