Live Choral Evensong broadcast on BBC Radio 3
Date: Wednesday 26 February 2025
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Merton College Chapel
The Britten Sinfonia joins the College Choir and Girl Choristers for music by Elgar, Dyson and Bairstow live from the Chapel of Merton College, Oxford. All welcome to join us in Chapel, no booking required.
Please be seated by 2.45pm.
Introit O hearken thou Elgar
Responses Smith
Psalm 119.81-104
Canticles Dyson in D
Anthem Lord, thou hast been our refuge Bairstow
Hymn 431
Voluntary Sursum Corda Elgar
Benjamin Nicholas (Director of Music)
Peter King (Assisting Organist)
Francois Cloete (Organ Scholar)