College Choir US Tour 2016
Sunday 3 April
St Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York
11:00 - Sung Eucharist
16:00 - Choral Evensong
Monday 4 April
St Mary the Virgin, Times Square, New York
18:00 - Sung Eucharist for the Feast of the Annunciation
Tuesday 5 April
St Paul’s Chapel, Trinity Wall Street, New York
13:00-13:30 - Concert
Wednesday 6 April
Trinity Church, New Haven
in association with ISM, Yale
19:30 - Concert
Byrd Diliges Dominum
Guerrero Laudate Dominum
Taverner Dum transsiset sabbatum
Bassano Dic nobis, Maria
Duruflé Quatre Motets
Weir Ave Regina Caelorum
Parry Lord, let me know mine end
Howells Te Deum (Collegium Regale)
Chilcott The Bird of Dawning
Thursday 7 April
Trinity Church, Princeton, New Jersey
19:30-20:30 - Concert
(programme as per 6 April, above)
Friday 8 April
Washington National Cathedral
17:30 - Choral Evensong
Sunday 10 April
St Paul's, K-Street, Washington
09:00 - Sung Mass
11:15 - High Mass