Mentee Registration

"I have found the Merton Society Mentoring Programme to be an absolutely invaluable experience, and something which has hugely shaped my entry into the workplace."
Jessica Searle (2018), Merton Mentee

Welcome to Merton College Mentoring (MCM). Thank you for your interest in becoming a mentee. The aim of MCM is to provide a confidential and safe space for mentees to discuss their professional development, concerns and interests.

What's involved

We suggest that a mentor and mentee have six sessions, each lasting 30-60 minutes, over a period of around six months. However, mentors and mentees can adjust this to suit their own needs and schedules. At the end of the chosen period, the mentoring relationship will ordinarily come to an end, though mentors and mentees can make this decision for themselves.

List of Mentors

The list of available Mentors can be found here:

Please note that the page is password-protected. All eligible mentees will have received an email containing the password. If you would like the password, please contact us at

How to make the most of Mentoring

We have compiled a list of our Tips and Tricks which we hope will allow you to make the most of your experience as a Merton Mentee.

Becoming a Mentee

There are three simple steps to becoming a Merton Mentee: view the training video, read and agree to the Code of Conduct, and complete the mentee registration form.

Step 1: MCM Training Video
Step 2: Code of Conduct

Please now read the Code of Conduct.

Step 3: Mentee Registration Form

Now that you have completed the first two steps, you can fill out the registration form below, where you can choose your top three mentors, or state that you wish to be matched with a mentor by the Development Office.

Mentee Registration Form

If you have any questions or require any further guidance, please do get in touch.